There are a good number of Branches of the Monster Rangers. We all started as Crow Rangers back in 1903 with Baron Davis leading us, but over the years more specialized types of Monster Rangers were invented.

None are more important than another; they are simply different, with different skills and focuses.

Your Uniform

Of course, this is just the beginning of the different Ranger uniforms available. Please feel free to create your own uniform, mixing and matching elements as you see fit. Just make sure that there’s a great story behind your uniform, and you’ll be fine. (And no, you don’t have to check with us first!)

Dapper Mission

The Dapper Badge can be earned by wearing and documenting your uniform. Learn more, here!

Cargo Tiger
Monster Rangers International (circa 1903) also owns the nation’s first shipping company, “Cargo Tiger”. It was started as a way
Clocktalkers are the oily-fingered mechanics of the Monster Rangers; they maintain and repair Scare Force Biplanes, crawl through the boilers
Conjure Guard
The Conjure Guard our the mystic protectors of our order, and have been since the beginning. They focus on “Witch
The Crows were the first Ranger Branch, named after the Crows that were on the Black Acre Farm. Crows are
Dark Librarians
The Dark Librarians study, catalog, and protect the knowledge of the Monster Rangers. They are the arcane repositories of legends,
Doom Mimes
The Doom Mimes are the secret police of the Monster Rangers. They are easy to identify because of their antique
Monster Medics
The Monster Medics treat both Monster and Manling alike, helping them stay healthy and fit. They are experts in monster
There is a world BEYOND our own vision perceived by the third eye where time and space are overlapped and
Rangers Core
The Rangers are the core branch of the Monster Rangers. They can identify, catalog, and track most of the known monsters
Scare Force
The Scare Force is our premier sky fighting unit, scanning the horizon from their trusty biplanes and dirigibles. They know
Sea Rangers
The Sea Rangers bravely patrol the oceans of the world, both above and below. These brave men, women, and monsters
Secret Rangers
The Secret Rangers are simply Rangers in real life... hidden among the Nodds but showing enough of our Colors that
Signal Rangers
The Signal Rangers are the messengers and protectors of “Old Orange,” our pennant. They lead Calamity Parades, give tours, and
Skull Rangers
The Skull Rangers are an ancient sect of Monster Rangers, that predate our organization by at least 500 years. Founded
Yokai Rangers
The Yokai Rangers are very specialized in the lore of the Yokai, the traditional spirit creatures of Japan, along with