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We first met The Davis Clan at WonderCon about ten years ago. Since that time, our family has enjoyed everything Steam Crow and Monster Rangers has had to offer; great art, good times, and quality friendships. CAW!

Barney F

Met you both at Comicpalooza this year and bonded with you guys immediately! So happy to see and meet like minded monster loving folks. Finding ways to craft, explore and tell adventurous tales in such an accepting group had been so wonderful. And I hope it never ends! From a Sea Ranger from Texas! *Caw* Glub glub!

 Danielle I

We learned about Monster Rangers at SLCC and we absolutely fell in love. My boys and I love all of the fun activities we can do together and the awesome Spirit Badges we can earn. We look forward to learning more and all the fun we will have at the Monster Camps.

Billy D

I found the Monster Rangers at Denver Comic Con ’17 and haven’t looked back! The Rangers are my kinda people, and its been a long while since I had such a fast connection with so many people! This group is amazing for jump starting my creativity and have been nothing but a positive impact on my life this year! CAW!

Kelsey B

The Monster Rangers are the best thing ever! I learned about them in Phoenix, and it’s really cool that wherever I go (San Diego & Utah so far) I can find other people who are as awesomely weird as I am, who get that Monsters are real & cool and not bad scary at all, and who listen to my crazy ideas & tell me theirs too. Caw!

Cameron W

I discovered Monster Rangers at ECCC ’17 and I’m really glad I did! I’ve had wonderful experiences with new friends and it’s been fun for my kids too!
We can’t wait until Monstro Camp next year!

Cave Baby

The Rangers have brought so many wonderful people in my life. It gives me a creative outlet, people to make baked goods for and an excuse to go camping. The best part is having a great time while supporting some amazing people. 

Verina G

The Monster Rangers have been a fantastic way to meet like-minded and fun people in the Phoenix area. Fans of stories, monsters, games, and adventure are all drawn to this group, and with good reason. Daniel and Dawna have created a once-in-a-lifetime lore and an inviting world my wife April and I couldn’t wait to be a part of. Thank you guys for everything you’ve done.

Bobby A

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