There are variety of Missions that a Monster Ranger can accomplish, and earn free badges. They’ll take some effort, but anything worthwhile is worth it.

Your Mission is simple: Put together a team of 3-5 Monster Rangers, and attend an event in uniform, promoting our
Make Rangers Films! Your Mission is simple: Make a short movie about the Monster Rangers! (You can probably use your
Monster Talker Badge
Rangers, we need to discover new folks! Your Mission is simple: post this flyer publically. How to Get Started Download
Ranger Art Badge
Make Rangers Art! Your Mission is simple: We need you to celebrate your creativity by making a piece of Monster
Song Scout
Expand Our Story! Your Mission is simple: Write a song around our core myth, and share it. We need songs to
Scout Story Badge
Expand Our Story! Your Mission is simple: Write a story around our core myth, and share it. The Monster Rangers have
Rangers, we need help spreading the word! Your Mission is simple: Spread the word about our current Kickstarter campaign. How
Rangers, we want to see you in uniform! Your Mission is simple: Wear your Monster Rangers uniform to a Steam Crow
Monstrous Day Graphic
Rangers, we need able-bodied recruits! Your Mission is simple: Spread this graphic online. The Monster Rangers are all about making
Rangers, we need able-bodied recruits! Your Mission is simple: Spread this propaganda poster. How to Get Started Download this recruitment