Expand Our Story!
Your Mission is simple: Write a story around our core myth, and share it.
The Monster Rangers have a long history of believing, studying, and protecting our monster friends. (And heck, 33% of Monster Rangers ARE monsters!)
Write a Ranger’s adventure, monster friend, history, achievements, journal, or tale… and earn a free badge!
Avoid documenting the entire history of Baron Davis, though he can certainly appear in your story. (Remember, he disappears in October of 1917.)
How to Get Started
- Read the Core Myth, Characters of Note, Glossary, and our Monster Codex.
- Write your story, and be sure to spellcheck it!
- Post your story on our Forums and Facebook Group
- Request your badge!
Monster Rangers understand the power of Story. It’s woven into the fabric of our society. You can add to our stories, too.
- 1000-5000 words (And yeah, if you need more, you can make it longer.)
- Most Rangers adventures occurred between 1903 and 1920; set your story in this era, if possible.
- Share it with our community for free (You retain the copyright for your work.)
- Must not contain trademarks or characters from companies other than Steam Crow. (No “Coke”, no “Godzilla”, etc.)
- Public Domain characters/legends/folklore is fine, though we’d encourage you to make up your own.
Remember, we’re looking for effort, not professional results.
Those of you who complete the mission will receive a Story Spirit Badge:
Go get ’em, Ranger!