CAW! It is the call that identifies one Ranger to another and is also fun to say. But it is also a reminder of some of the core values the Monster Rangers were founded on. Creativity and Wisdom. Or camping and whittling, I don’t remember which.


There is but 1 level of the Caw! Spirit Badge.


Along with the call comes the Caw Claw, which Rangers know can mean anything from a greeting to “Don’t eat the soup, I think the Goblin poisoned it.”

Caw Badge

Point Value

The Caw Spirit Badge is worth 10 Glory points.


The simple word bubble symbolizes how one little word can bind together every Ranger who hears it.


This is a uncommon badge.

Personal Ranger Challenge

To fully earn the Caw Spirit Badge the Ranger must:

  • Do the Caw Claw to five Rangers
  • Make something creative – WITH YOUR HANDS
  • Impart some wisdom to someone who needs it

Monster Ranger Jr. Challenge

  • Learn three new things you didn’t know before
  • Do arts or crafts projects you haven’t done before (ask for help if needed)
  • Caw at your fellow Rangers whenever possible

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your personal Ranger Sketchbook – Ranger’s Honor!

Good luck, Monster Ranger!

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