My Name | Mark F. |
Bio | Hi, My name is Mark! I enjoy board games, rpgs, nature, hiking, and the identification, advocacy, and protection of monster kind. While disguised as a mild mannered school psychologist, I travel full time in a fifth wheel between the Pacific North West and West Coast with my wife, two dogs, and about 352.7 Pegicorns (give or take). You see, though I am an educator in mundane life, my wife and I are, in actuality, the foremost experts in the burgeoning field of behavior, culture, and preservation of Pegicorn kind. We are founding board members at the Pegicorn Preparatory University (PPU) and have even wrote a not-so-best selling manual, “The care and feeding of Pegicorns.” It is my life’s work to ensure the survival and propagation of these majestic, sometimes wacky, always friendly, not-so-super-intelligent creatures. Indeed my true calling is to show humanity that Pegicorns are more than just multicolored, miniature, winged horses with [sometimes] glow-in-the dark horns and over-sized googly eyes…they’re also our friends; and if you let them, Pegicorns will use their diesel fueled jet packs to not only fly into the sky, but also, into your hearts… ..err sorry! I sometimes get a little carried away with my passions….I’ll save my spiel for another time, maybe around a campfire with good friends and like minded weirdos? |
Favorite Monster | Pegicorns, Dragons, Goblins, Kolbolds, Imaginary Friends, Dogs |
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