Rangers, we need able-bodied recruits!
Your Mission is simple: Spread this graphic online.
The Monster Rangers are all about making the world less bad; wish folks a “MONSTROUS DAY” with a Rangers imaginary card!
Because most everyone could use a reminder to have a bigger/better day, and MONSTROUS is just the kind of bigger/better we’re talking about. (AND, it spreads our Pro-Monster Agenda through goodwill and positive mind rays.)
How to Get Started
- Download this graphic
- Post it on Social Media/Forums/Your Site
- Use hashtags and give it a linkback to http://monsterrangers.com
- Save links in the forums
Where To Post
- Facebook Profile
- Facebook Groups (Other than Monster Ranger groups)
- Tumblr
- Google+
- Your website/blog
- …and many other possible sites.
You’ll need to post this at least 20 times, over time. (1 post per network, per day, max.) The Spirit of this Mission is to reach OUR kind of people, the more the better. Sure, you could post this on your bedroom door, but that defeats what we’re trying to accomplish here.
How Many
- Get permission before posting on possible hostile groups/forums. (Don’t make them hate Monster Rangers.)
- Document your postings. (Time, location)
- You must use the hashtags: #monsterrangers #steamcrow #mrmisson2
- You must include http://monsterrangers.com link.
- Submit your success (only when complete)
Remember, we’re looking for effectiveness.
Report your success here! (Send us a link to your photo evidence.)
Those of you who put complete this mission will be rewarded with a real Monstrous Day Spirit Badge:

Caveat: Do not get us into trouble – ask for permission first before posting on private forums/groups. Getting the Rangers into trouble will eliminate your chance to get the reward.
Go get ’em, Ranger!