The Monster Medics treat both Monster and Manling alike, helping them stay healthy and fit. They are experts in monster venoms, medicines, and have an encyclopedic knowledge of monster attack methods. Some say their Med Kits contain as many poisons as medicines.
- “Doktor”
- “Alchemist”
- “Dark One”
- “Sire”
Most Monster Medics
- Are excellent surgeons
- Study for years to attain their skills and knowledge
- Collect herbs, oils, and medicines in small bottles
- Are misunderstood by normies
- Are quite brilliant
- Have terrible handwriting
Some Monster Medics
- Wear the crow mask because they do not breathe air
- Are shy about their appearance
- Believe that theirs is an Art, more than a Science
- Become mad scientists, on accident
- Uniform Shirt
- Red capelet
- Orange neckerchief
- Black britches/skirt
- Black Monster Medic bag
- Small bottles
- Red Cross
- Portable Med Kit
Remember: Black is your friend!
The Monster Medics know how to brew VitaGood, a delicious and most desired dietary supplement.
The Monster Medics are lead by Lucian Cork, age 77, of Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Cork has aided thousands of monsters, and is currently educating the next generation of Monster Rangers from his small desert academy.
The Monster Medics were founded by Darias Nail, in 1865, in Nice, France. They joined up with the Monster Rangers in 1904 and embraced our overall goal of helping monsters.
Dry Goods
