It came at night. It was a bird. A Crow. But it wasn’t like the other crows from the farm. It was big. It was all bone and claw, but bulky, as if it had something hidden beneath it’s ample… Continue Reading →
Expand Our Story! Your Mission is simple: Write a song around our core myth, and share it. We need songs to sing around the campfire, songs for marching in a Calamity Parade, and songs about Marrow Thatch, monsters, and other Rangers… Continue Reading →
Expand Our Story! Your Mission is simple: Write a story around our core myth, and share it. The Monster Rangers have a long history of believing, studying, and protecting our monster friends. (And heck, 33% of Monster Rangers ARE monsters!) Write… Continue Reading →
© 2024 MONSTER RANGERS — part of Steam Crow, LLC