It is a well-kept secret that playing 8 ball is a common pastime of the Dark Librarians and Psychics. Sometimes these friendly games become intense battles of epic proportions between these two branches. And who would be surprised by that when they play against each other. With the Dark Librarians applying their knowledge of geometry to gain an advantage and the Psychics using their talent to foresee the most favorable future, it’s little wonder that some of these games can go on for days.


There is but 1 level of the 8 Ball Spirit Badge.


8 ball, corner pocket equals win.

8 Ball Spirit Badge
Photo by Tim Schuessler

Point Value

The 8 Ball Spirit Badge is worth 10 Glory points.


The 8 ball symbolizes everyone’s need to sometimes kick back and enjoy a good game with great friends.


This is a rare badge that was sent as a reward to our Order of Obscuria supporters.

Personal Ranger Challenge

To fully earn the 8 Ball Spirit Badge the Ranger must:

  • Learn how to play 8 ball
  • Work on your own psychic ability to predict the future
  • Memorize basic geometric formulas to give you game an edge

Monster Ranger Jr. Challenge

  • Learn the rules of 8 ball
  • Recognize five geometric shapes
  • Try to predict who will win when playing a game with friends or family

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your personal Ranger Sketchbook – Ranger’s Honor!

Good luck, Monster Ranger!

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