The Bat Spirit Badge was released as an exclusive Event Badge, at WeenHallow 2018 and as part of our WeenHallow MadBat Pack.


There is but 1 level of the Bat Spirit Badge.


Bats wear hats, but they rarely stay on their heads.

Point Value

The Bat Spirit Badge is worth 50 Glory points, more than most Spirit Badges.


Bats symbolize happiness and joy in the Chinese culture. We agree.


This is a common badge.

Personal Ranger Challenge

  1. Come to WeenHallow
  2. Wear a Monster costume (Mad/Crazy is the sub-theme)
  3. Have a great time!

Monster Rangers Jr. Challenge

  1. See above, again with your Parent/Guardian’s permission.

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your Rangers Notebook – Rangers Honor!

Good luck, Ranger!

See the full Badge Directory.

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