Eggs are good for you. Or maybe they’re not. Regardless, they’re delicious. Just be aware that eggs are tricky little things. After all, those creamy innards are protected by an armor-plated shell. Like I said, tricky little things.


There is but 1 level of the Egg Spirit Badge.


Any egg growing in scale is more than likely not really an egg at all. Do not approach.

Point Value

The Egg Spirit Badge is worth 10 Glory points.


The egg symbolizes the tasty reward you get if you can conquer the tough outer shell.

Egg Badge Photo


This is a Rare badge, sent as a reward to our Order of Obscuria Badge of the Month, Member.

Personal Ranger Challenge

To fully earn the Egg Spirit Badge the Ranger must:

  • Make yourself some delicious eggs
  • Decorate some eggs then give them away to friends or family
  • Try to identify an many eggs as you can from different birds and animals

Monster Ranger Jr. Challenge

  • Learn how to cook eggs three different ways
  • Try to identify eggs from different native birds
  • Draw out designs you could use to decorate eggs

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your personal Ranger Sketchbook – Ranger’s Honor!

Good luck, Monster Ranger!

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