The Gob Chef Spirit Badge is a Patron badge, one that can be purchased. It first appeared in our 2018 Membership Kickstarter.


There is but 1 level of the Gob Chef Spirit Badge.


Never trust a Goblin, especially if he’s selling candy, or is a lawyer.

Point Value

The Gob Chef Spirit Badge is worth 10 Glory points, the same as most Spirit Badges.


The Gob Chef Spirit Badge symbolizes fantastic/dirty goblins.


This is a common badge.

Personal Ranger Challenge

  1. Watch “Labyrinth” 1987.
  2. Eat a hot pasta dish.
  3. Drink some tea.

Monster Rangers Jr. Challenge

  1. If it’s okay with your parent/guardian, do the above.

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your Rangers Notebook – Rangers Honor!

Good luck, Ranger!

See the full Badge Directory.

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