The Krampus 2017 Spirit Badge comes with our KRAMPUS COLLECTION 3 Kickstarter, exclusively.

This badge will not be offered for sale (it was an exclusive for this Kickstarter), though it could be traded from one Monster Ranger to another.


There is no passphrase for this particular badge, since it is a reward for being fantastic and supporting our campaign. Thank you!


There is 1 level of the Krampus 2017 Badge, and it is RED. Dang red. Red as Christmas itself.

Krampus 3 Badge Photo


This badge is worth 40 Glory Points.


This is Steam Crow’s 7th Kickstarter; we need your help to make it a success!


The Krampus symbolizes the risk of being naughty in life, and the punishment that is surely coming.


This is a Rare badge, with just 200 produced and distributed. (The remainders go into the Monster Scouts archives for future surprises.)



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