The Mentor Spirit Badge is intended to be a gift that one Ranger gives to a Mentor of theirs. This can be someone who offered advice when it was needed, taught a valuable skill or lesson, or somehow supported them.

It is not intended to be bought for one’s self; when it appears on a uniform, it means that it was given TO that Ranger.


There is but 1 level of the Mentor spirit badge.


This badge was suggested by our Rangers; we loved the idea.

Point Value

The Mentor spirit badge is worth 100 Glory points, more than most Spirit Badges.


A happy skull is a healthy skull. Crown = leadership. Skull = a Memento Vita.


This is a Common badge. You can order one here!

Personal Ranger Challenge

  1. Find a Mentor (Not easy)
  2. Learn everything that you can; listen to their experience.
  3. Bring them cookies, a meal, or company from time to time.
  4. Gift them one of these badges, explaining what it’s all about.
  5. Thank them!
  6. Repeat as necessary.

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your Rangers Notebook – Rangers Honor!

Good luck, Ranger!

See the full Badge Directory.

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