Print Collector 6 Spirit Badge
Steam Crow loves our Crow Scout collectors! This is a badge awarded to an individual who purchases SIX (6) 12×18 (or our 11×17 serigraphs) at one time… for free. (While supplies last!) In person or from our online store.
“I’m a Print Collector 6 WIZARD!”
There is just one level of the Print Collector 6, though there is a Print Collector 4 and 5. (But 6 is the best!)
You have to ask for the Print Collector 6 Badge when you make your purchase of 6 12×18 prints all at once. The program starts March 2015; we can’t award before this time. Also, there’s no guarantee that this badge will be in stock; if you’re worried about it, please ask first.
This badge is also totally valid for online purchases at
This badge symbolizes your kind and generous support of Steam Crow prints. You’ve got a collection, all at once!
Print Collector 6 is worth 150 Glory Points.
This is a rare badge.
Unlocked By
5 years, 9 months ago -
Katherine Thompson
7 years ago -
Ron Moen
7 years, 1 month ago -
Dane Barthule
7 years, 1 month ago