The Waffle Spirit Badge is a Patron badge, one that can be purchased. It first appeared in our 2018 Membership Kickstarter.


There is but 1 level of the Waffle Spirit Badge.


Waffles are better than pancakes. (Unless they’re not.)

Fact: Real Maple Syrup is the best

Point Value

The Waffle Spirit Badge is worth 10 Glory points, the same as most Spirit Badges.


The Waffle Spirit Badge symbolizes our Ranger Waffles, a fella who’s contributed his rubber stamp knowledge to many of our Monstro Camps.


This is a common badge.

Personal Ranger Challenge

  1. Make a batch of waffles
  2. Share them with another Monster Ranger, if you can
  3. Enjoy eating them!

Monster Rangers Jr. Challenge

  1. Same as above, but with the hands-on assistance of your parent/guardian.

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your Rangers Notebook – Rangers Honor!

Good luck, Ranger!

See the full Badge Directory.

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