To many, coffee is the most important thing in the morning. Whether you take it black or with more stuff in it than coffee, this beverage is critical to getting the grey cells firing at the beginning of the day. Just don’t let goblins make your coffee, or you’re liable to get more in your drink then you expected (such as meatstuffs and shoe polish.)


There is but 1 level of the Coffee Pot Spirit Badge.


Goblins think they make the best coffee in all the realms. The rest of monsterkind begs to differ.

Point Value

The Coffee Pot Spirit Badge is worth 10 Glory points.


The coffee pot symbolizes that most important part of your morning ritual, Coffee!

Coffee Pot Spirit Badge


This is a common badge.

Personal Ranger Challenge

To fully earn the Coffee PotSpirit Badge the Ranger must:

  • Experiment with different blends and add-ins until you make the perfect cup of joe
  • Share a cup of coffee with another Ranger
  • Bring the joy of coffee to your co-workers

Monster Ranger Jr. Challenge

  • Instead of coffee, make the perfect cup of cocoa or tea
  • Drink some cocoa or tea with a friend
  • Share your perfect cocoa recipe with your family

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your personal Ranger Sketchbook – Ranger’s Honor!

Good luck, Monster Ranger!

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