Phoenix is where Steam Crow originates, so it makes sense that we’d HAVE to have a badge for our local PHX Community.

This is a badge demonstrating Patronage; it was purchased at Phoenix events.



There is just one level of the Phoenix Troop badge, you’re either hot, or you are not.

Phoenix Troop badge


Steam Crow started in the Phoenix area in 2005.


Phoenix is a symbol for rebirth, something that we really do believe in, because it worked for us!


This is a common badge. You can get yours here.


To fully earn the PHX Troop Spirit Badge the Ranger must:

  • Live in, or visit Phoenix, Arizona
  • Discover a new cool Phoenix restaurant, club, or coffee shop.
  • Share it with other PHX Rangers, either on our Forums or our Facebook group.

You don’t turn this in for credit; you simply log it into your personal Ranger Sketchbook – Ranger’s Honor!

Good luck, Monster Ranger!

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