Tag custom

Custom Painted Fender Rumble Amp

So, I just got a Fender Rumble 500 (after doing a bunch of research for affordable amps), and I love it. It’s able to do a lot of tones, it’s plenty loud over my son’s drums, it can growl, and… Continue Reading →

Crazy Bricks (maker and film effects guy Guy Himber) has made these 2 custom Lego Minifigs of Marrow Thatch and our Nosferatu! Keep in mind – THESE ARE PROTOTYPES! IF you want to see these hit production (via a future Kickstarter)… Continue Reading →

ARCHIVE OF THE DARK LIBRARIANS, Artifact Number #115712-C38 The Warlock Stick of Majik was first discovered hanging from the branches of a bone white tree on October 10, 1913 by Ranger Lex Barthule. (Somewhere outside of Monstervania.) It was believed… Continue Reading →

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