Lone humanoids known for gambling, begging, trading junk, and strangling and/or backstabbing their enemies. While they can be found throughout Obscuria, they are the most commonly found lurking in the Hoon Province. Appearance They are bone skinny, with stringy hair, small… Continue Reading →
This Day In History (1910) Monster Ranger Icarus Wegneer Smith stumbled into a Klowna town (Whistleville) and was soon scheduled to be tortured in eaten in a number of disturbing and exasperating ways. (Klownas are not simple horrors.) Listening to… Continue Reading →
From the desk of Major Applecart, L.O.M.E.°: For your consideration, a rare corporeal example of an often neglected monster subgroup: The Imaginary Friend. Little Margot has discovered the joyous company of her new friend Aloysius J. Hamfish III, an extremely… Continue Reading →
Expand Our Story! Your Mission is simple: Write a song around our core myth, and share it. We need songs to sing around the campfire, songs for marching in a Calamity Parade, and songs about Marrow Thatch, monsters, and other Rangers… Continue Reading →
Expand Our Story! Your Mission is simple: Write a story around our core myth, and share it. The Monster Rangers have a long history of believing, studying, and protecting our monster friends. (And heck, 33% of Monster Rangers ARE monsters!) Write… Continue Reading →
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