A HUGE Krampus THANK YOU to all of you who braved the elements to come join us for our first Monstro Camp in 2 years!

We hope that you guys enjoyed it half as much as we did!

It was chilly at night, but also chill during the day, which was really nice. We didn’t go crazy with programming, which made it a lot more relaxing, as we wanted to offer a chance to also spend some quality time catching up with everyone.

Highlights (for me at least):

  • Spending a little time with each person, chatting, laughing, and catching up.
  • Susannah Chris Nagy’s hot breakfasts on cold mornings… a necessity!
  • Krampus time! (And photos.) But where was Jeff Witham? He totally missed out. (Thanks Jeff!)
  • Making Skelf-Crafts with Susannah Chris Nagy and Sarah Nagy’s guidance and generous supplies. Thank you!
  • Feasts at our Pot Lucks. I particularly enjoyed Brotha Lawrence’s Hungarian Meatballs, among many other things.
  • Doomwood Derby Races. 1st Place: Daniel D. 2nd Place: Kaid D. 3rd Place Michael Waffles Nguyen. (It was only somewhat rigged, right?)
  • “One time I saw Baron Davis…” storytelling game was pretty great. Chorus at the end: “Is that so?!” – a new tradition.
  • Lots of assistance with breakdown. (Thank you all!)
  • Marcy Monroe’s CORAX sponsorship

Krampus Photo Gallery

Special thanks to John Perrot of Cheshire Visions Photography for snagging these photos for us.