There are currently 6 Spirit Badges in this collection.
All of the available achievements with the name, avatar, and karma points for each.
Spirit Badge Glory Description
Spirit Badge Glory Description
Camp ‘18 – Swampy Spirt Badge
Monstro Camp 18

The Swampy Badge for our 2018 Monstro Camps

Cursed by Dark Unicorn Spirit Badge
Dark Unicorn Badge

The Dark Unicorn Spirit Badge symbolizes the darker side of the Monster Rangers.

Protect Spirit Badge
Protect Badge

The badge about remembering to protect Monsters. But not Monsterologists.

Craft Champ Spirit Badge
Craft Champ Badge

The Craft Champ Spirit Badge is for Monster Rangers who like to make stuff… which is basically most Monster Rangers.

Crypto Spirit Badge

Crypto is the badge for those of us who believe in monsters!

Eye Bat Spirit Badge
Eye Bat Badge

The Brisk Bat is the basic badge earned by participating in the Monster Rangers forum.