So yeah, it’s happened. We knew that it was coming, but we’ve been hoping that it wouldn’t come to this; due to Covid-19, our 2020 camp tour is canceled.

While we managed to get PRIME Camp launched and completed before the world went to heck, the rest of the season hasn’t fared so well for us Monster Rangers.

Most of the camps are simply closed to group camping. (Colorado, California, Seattle, Spokane). Our Tucson Krampus Campground is currently closed due to the Big Horn Fire.

In short, we’re sunk for 2020

While we rely on Camp bookings for our survival, we know that you might need your booking money back, as well. If you need a refund, please contact us by August 1st, so we can get your money back to you. (It may take a week or two to get it all done.)

Please include: Your booking Name, your email, and which Camp.

Roll Over

If you don’t contact us, we’ll simply rollover your booking to the next Monstro Camp Tour. (Our goal is to return to ALL of the camp regions – SoCal, Colorado, Spokane, Pacific NW, Tucson.)

While all of this is beyond our control, we’re still really sorry that we’re going to miss out on this with you. You Monster Rangers are the best, and we so enjoy seeing you in person.

This decision hasn’t really helped my mental health; worrying about it, your reaction, and the state of future camps and cons means that my creativity, sleep, and energy has been really hampered. I’m hoping that finally announcing it will allow some improvement on that front. (I’m fine, just not terribly productive right now.)

The Future

While we’re no soothsayers (I’m just a simple Warlock, mind you), we remain dedicated to the Monster Rangers and the community at large. We’re going to return to getting some sort of weekly livestream going once again so that we can connect with you during this time.

We Need You (to be safe)

With everything going on, we hope that you are wearing your mask and/or bandana as much as possible, so that we can all get through this plague safe and sound.

  • Daniel & Dawna & Goblin