Bandanas are exceptionally useful for all Rangers, which is why they’re part of every Branch Uniform. You can get official Monster Ranger bandanas here! Here are 101 uses for a bandana: Neck Scarf – Fixes being too hot, too cold, too… Continue Reading →
So, Monstro Camp has a lot that we do, and sometimes it’s easy to forget what to bring aside from regular camping gear. Here’s a quick list to help you get started: Trade Goods – We do a Barter Circle… Continue Reading →
Make Rangers Films! Your Mission is simple: Make a short movie about the Monster Rangers! (You can probably use your phone!) How to Get Started Read the Core Myth, Characters of Note, Glossary, and our Monster Codex. Use this information… Continue Reading →
We’ve always done a Potluck Supper at each of our Monstro Camps. The idea is simple; get our Rangers to mix, meet each other, sample each other’s cooking, and ultimately to connect. There’s something vital about breaking bread with someone,… Continue Reading →
Klowna Klowna (aka “Clowna”, “Clownie”, “Klownie”) are wicked monsters, interested in seeding fear and turmoil with Manlings. The prowl the dark, and are often found in back alleys, playgrounds, carnivals, and Barter Circles. We must advice ALL RANGERS to avoid… Continue Reading →
[vc_row padding_setting=”1″ desktop_padding=”no-padding-tb” ipad_padding=”sm-no-padding-top” mobile_padding=”xs-no-padding-top”][vc_column][hcode_simple_image hcode_image=”33236″][vc_column_text]How to make a Monster Rangers Sash By Megan Joliff Average Measurements: Teen : 4″ wide x 62″ long Standard Adult : 4″ wide x 72″ long Large Adult (6’1″-6’4 : 4″wide x 80″ long… Continue Reading →
A B Baron Davis – Brother to Dr. Duke Davis and founder of the Monster Rangers. Baron was a friend of monsters, and best friend of Marrow Thatch, and became the prime agent for monsterkind. He is believed to be… Continue Reading →
A gift from Tante Tena to Baron Davis in 1904, Witch Stitches are an ancient form of magic based on the power of intent and stitchery. Adopted by the first Witch Rangers (who later became the Conjure Guard) the stitches… Continue Reading →
Trolla Trolla are an ancient race of hulking, bestial creatures who come from the rugged mountain lands. They are known for their bloodthirsty rage, and they have a tradition of eating other monsterfolk. Trolla have large tusks, with huge clawed… Continue Reading →
© 2025 MONSTER RANGERS — part of Steam Crow, LLC