Category Traditions

Monster Ranger Traditions

Rangertober 2020

It’s time again for our RANGERTOBER art challenge. Using our guide as inspiration, post a piece of art (any kind – a drawing, painting, sculpture, or ?) with the #Rangertober hashtage and a link to this page. It’s a fun… Continue Reading →

Doomwood Derby

The Doomwood Derby is a racing event for unpowered, unmanned miniature cars, featuring weird characters. It was started by the Skull Rangers back in the early 1900’s, when the lonely Rangers would have races of ghost-pulled toys (then called “Reaper Racers”.) Eventually, the… Continue Reading →

These words have evolved over the years, first put down in Baron Davis in one of his old raggedy journals. CODE OF CONDUCT All Monster Rangers are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct: – I shall hurt neither… Continue Reading →

Getting Started

Here are some ideas of where to start: First Things First: Watch our short Orientation Film Read How It Works Read the Myth Check out our FAQs Join Us! (It’s free) Introduce yourself on our Forum Join our Facebook Group (ask… Continue Reading →

101 Uses For A Bandana

Bandanas are exceptionally useful for all Rangers, which is why they’re part of every Branch Uniform. You can get official Monster Ranger bandanas here! Here are 101 uses for a bandana: Neck Scarf – Fixes being too hot, too cold, too… Continue Reading →

So, Monstro Camp has a lot that we do, and sometimes it’s easy to forget what to bring aside from regular camping gear. Here’s a quick list to help you get started: Trade Goods – We do a Barter Circle… Continue Reading →

Potluck Supper

We’ve always done a Potluck Supper at each of our Monstro Camps. The idea is simple; get our Rangers to mix, meet each other, sample each other’s cooking, and ultimately to connect. There’s something vital about breaking bread with someone,… Continue Reading →

A gift from Tante Tena to Baron Davis in 1904, Witch Stitches are an ancient form of magic based on the power of intent and stitchery. Adopted by the first Witch Rangers (who later became the Conjure Guard) the stitches… Continue Reading →

Cussin and Such

Monster Rangers are a respectable lot, doing the public service of Believing, Studying, and Protecting Monsters. But, sometimes cuss words slip out, and we understand that. (Especially when you hang out with Sea Rangers, or when a Clocktalker hits his… Continue Reading →

Monster Rangers and Guns

Baron Davis had something to say about guns… “It seems that Manlings have been hunting monsters for years and years, maybe even centuries, before we started the Monster Rangers. In particular, the “so-called” Monsterologists and their devious Radiance Guns (“or… Continue Reading →

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